The Heart Wants What It Wants Is Stupid

This time last year I wrote the post – People Are Emotionally Diseased – and it is to-date a post that has and is generating large traffic. It wasn’t necessarily what people wanted to hear but needed to hear and as a result it was passed on and on. Today, in keeping with that theme in mind lol of being slightly politically incorrect, here is my opening post for the coming year of 2015…

The heart wants what it wants. It’s a phrase that gets tossed out so often in terms of relationships mostly, and it’s almost exclusively used to defend dysfunctional or what I term as “broken” behavior. Selena Gomez has a hit song out right now with that very title – and I should digress now and admit I love the song and her personally as an artist – but it’s a beacon on broken behavior, not a support song. I know it sounds great in a song – but – here’s what I have to say for that phrase – it’s not an excuse or a valid, heartfelt declaration. It’s a blazing sign that the user of such a phrase is weakened mindfully and emotionally. It’s an assertion of a lack of discipline, self-control and sometimes even seemingly nicer way of saying “I’m throwing my integrity out the window”. Let’s be honest, if you’re saying those words you know deep down that you’ve lost and some sense of heartfelt pain is in store for you, or it’s a cover for selfish behavior and likely for hurting someone.

The heart wants what the heart wants implies a lack of control and a reasonable thought process. It implies admission to “I’m weak” and somehow okay with that. But you shouldn’t be contented with such a notion for yourself. If you don’t stand strong for your own self-esteem, who will?

Here’s the fact – the heart doesn’t control anything. Your mind IS the control center, the power center and the true you. And the great part to this post is the fact that you need to know – you can and do control your thoughts and your mind. And there are a million reasons why you need to and should want to exhibit some self-discipline over it.


“What we call our destiny is truly our character and that character can be altered. The knowledge that we are responsible for our actions and attitudes does not need to be discouraging, because it also means that we are free to change this destiny. One is not in bondage to the past, which has shaped our feelings, to race, inheritance, background. All this can be altered if we have the courage to examine how it formed us. We can alter the chemistry provided we have the courage to dissect the elements.” ― Anaïs Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. 1: 1931-1934

The heart wants what it wants is an attempt to say that we are not responsible for our actions and attitudes – but that’s simply not true. We are. Always. And the faster and more seriously we embrace that fact, the faster we can move on to taking control over our lives, and ultimately what happens to us.

“Self-knowledge is the DNA of self-enlightenment… The lack of willpower is a mental disease… When you master your mind you master your life.” – Robin S. Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

So HOW do we do this? How do we take control back when we’ve allowed ourselves to foolishly think hearts run the show without control? Start by beginning to read some of my earlier posts – or if you have – go back and re-read some of them (specifically Feeding The Mind & Soul series. But at the end of the day it begins with a simple choice. Just like that. Make a choice for power, self-esteem and the good of all involved, then stick to it.

For the coming year, lets want more for ourselves. Let’s address that success comes from a self-disciplined, conditioned, strong mind – and let’s go out and find that. Let’s want power and embrace that.

“I now know – pain is a lesson only, meant to guide us and be left behind, forgotten. This world is pre-school for the soul and nothing more. It needs not to be taken so seriously. Control your focus. Every thought, every feeling, in every moment, either strengthens or weakens – with every given second, we grow or whither, we strengthen or begin to die. So choose to see the beauty of this world, draw love in, embrace joy and peace, and let everything else go. In terms of what you are, and where you’re going – everything else will mean nothing.”

“Connecting to our powerful birthright is as simple as a choice – so choose to reconnect back to your power. Meditate to maintain a peaceful, grateful spirit, ask for guidance, and control your chattering, wandering mind. Focus only on what you want and release all negative feelings. Remember you are infinite, powerful and creative – you are part of a magnificent cosmic universe that out-shines the most stunning beauty you can imagine, it holds the most profound love you could ever feel here in physical form and we are all – every one of us, every cell, every atom – connected, related and joined. And the day will come, when the tether will break, and we’ll be released back to our source, back to our creator, back into and beyond the galaxy of stars, back into love, back into pure and full release, back into bliss. Have your soul’s eyes opened? Have you found your purpose? Have you learned how easy peace is to maintain? I have. Meditate and control your inner dialogue. Focus. And always hold onto peace and love, letting everything else go. It’s just that simple. Who knew.” – Tyin C. Krysset, Induced Amnesia

My love to you all for 2015….


About Tyin C Krysset

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